Saturday, July 24, 2010

I just wanna be successful....

"I want the money, money and the cars
Cars and the clothes...The ho's..
I suppose.
I just wanna be, I just wanna be successful...."

I was watching an old episode of ANTM (America's Next Top Model..) It was the season with Eva. She was always one of my favs...but anyway. couldnt help but notice the difference between pre-money Eva and post-money Eva. But then again thats really the case with just about ALL celebs.

Now to be clear I'm not referring to how money changes you as a person...thats a whole different topic altogether. I"m just talking about the superficial...Here are some examples...

Eva Then...

Eva Now...

Princess Super Ci.... Then.

And Now..

And trust me I'm not saying this is a bad thing...I just always find the transition that comes with money interesting...

La Lopez...the fly girl. :-)

And Now...

You ever wonder what the money makin YOU would look like? I didn't til I started payin attention to the difference. They are all good examples cuz they were beautiful before...but post celeb is just...different...

And one more...

I've ALWAYS thought Jada was gorgeous...

But Mrs. Pinkett Smith Now...

Is stunning...

And as always I could go on but this already pretty pic heavy.

If you could shop the way you wanted to, or as often as you wanted to...If money wasnt as much of an object as it is now..What would you look like?

When I get there I'll let ya'll know ;-)


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