Sunday, May 9, 2010


Among the many lessons you can learn from watching a movie like "Avatar"...(which i just watched for the first time...tonight...and shut up) The peace, and simplicity of their lifestyle made...(aside from wanting to be one at the end of the movie...)wish for that...simplicity. Can u imagine how peacful a life like that could be...Think of nature the way they viewed it...(If you havent seen the movie yet u HAVE to.)

Skip the man made nonsense, controversy, bigotry...and be that intune with the world you live in and helped create...the one those before you died for...I know sound like a major hippie..But It just makes you think and hits you...well ME somewhere deep. Makes me want to prioritize...whats really important in the end...whats it all for...?

I'm very much a creature of simplicity.."sigh..

I feel like me even tryin to blog this isnt gonna do it justice or help u understand what it is to want that...

So i'll keep it short...What/Who are you living for? Where do your priorities fall...I'm not gonna disect everything else that can be pulled from that story cuz I'm type my fingers raw...But Zoe Saldana deserved an OSCAR for that role...

Glad I watched it...Re--thinking alot of things...



NightFall914 said...

Never too late for a lesson or positive thought to be ssparked

DollFace said...
